Update 1As my Imagine-It Project Transforms I realized that many of the tasks that I have defined took many turns. I have included a collage that demonstrates the preliminary work done to prepare the staff for Spring MAKE UP STUFF EVENT. Teachers and other collaborators were challenged to create a catapult that could be used as a tool in math class to assist students in generating their own data used as a learning component for Central Tendencies.
Students have also started to experiment with circuits as well so that they will be able to create a card with a small L.E.D. light for Valentine's Day or Mother's Day. I will continue to move forward with the idea of students just making things and being open to explore paper circuits. I have also partnered up with the Art Liaison in the building and allowing students to openly create art in his class and then add a techie component to the piece is the ultimate goal. I see the importance of using Art to inspire students to MAKE UP STUFF. |
Update 2As the Art liaison and I continued to collaborate, I could see how my Imagine-It Project transformed more artistically. Student were open to explore the idea of using art materials for creating their pieces. We challenged students to reimagine a cartoon by creating an image that used a head as an arm or a face and eyes. They were very creative with their projects. The second layer of the challenge is to incorporate a L.E.D. light into the image using copper paper circuits.
Informally reach out to your peer and student focus groups from the fall. Ask them to share about how this experience/project has impacted them. This provides you with an opportunity to see the outcome of your ImagineIT from different perspectives. We rarely get time to do this, so take advantage and soak it all up! |